Climate change management for socio-environmental resilience in Latin America:

towards strengthening skills for key stakeholders


  • Allan Valverde Blanco



climate change; resilience; competencies; education


Global change affects Latin America and puts at risk the integrity of human populations and the ecosystem services that their natural spaces offer. This situation is further complicated by high social inequality, with tens of millions of people who cannot achieve food security. In this sense, the management of natural resources under high risk and uncertainty scenarios is crucial, which leads to the need to strengthen the adaptation and mitigation capacities of the countries. Increasing human skills is a priority. From the perspective of education and recognizing thats reality confronts with system's vision, we propose the design and implementation of a program to strengthen competencies at the Latin American level. The program would be aimed at personnel linked with global change management and the trace of educational needs in the political, technical, and communal-operational spheres so it would promote adaptation to climate change conditions and propose mitigation measures per the continent's reality. On this basis, we propose a strategy based on six innovation criteria to improve the preparation of populations in the face of the threats of climate change.


Valverde, A. Almeida, A. Chassot, O. (2022. Gestión del cambio climático para la resiliencia socio-ambiental en América Latina: hacia el fortalecimiento de competencias para actores clave. San José, Costa Rica.

Gestión del cambio climático



How to Cite

Valverde Blanco, A. . (2022). Climate change management for socio-environmental resilience in Latin America: : towards strengthening skills for key stakeholders. REGENERATIO, 1(1), 89–104.



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