Ecosystem for regeneration

Systemic and biomimetic approach to bioregional work


  • Ángel, Melina MSc. University for International Cooperation
  • Bohórquez, Juliana MA SYSLAB Colombia



biosistémica; regeneración; sostenibilidad; biomímesis; pensamiento sistémico; complejidad; biorregión.


The essay presents Biosystemic Methodology, born from the integration of biomimicry and systems thinking, as a flexible approach to address contemporary socioecological challenges beyond traditional sustainability, regeneration and surrounding complexity. Through case studies, it is illustrated how the methodology can be applied to promote socio-ecological regeneration in different contexts, from local communities to entire regions. The need for adaptive learning and a broad and spiritual vision of life is emphasized to achieve a balance between survival and evolution in living systems, considering biophysical, ecological, historical, cultural and social aspects of the territory. It concludes on the need to promote harmony between human activities and natural processes to guarantee a prosperous and equitable future for all forms of life on the planet.


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Biosistémica para la regeneración


04/29/2024 — Updated on 05/13/2024

How to Cite

Ángel, M., & Bohorquez, J. (2024). Ecosystem for regeneration : Systemic and biomimetic approach to bioregional work. REGENERATIO, 3(1), 48–69.



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