Bats: Nocturnal Allies as Metrics and Actors in Regenerative Agriculture


  • Fabian Mora Escobar UCR
  • Verónica Vargas



Biodiversity monitoring, regeneration, Chiroptera, community assemblage, Costa Rica.


Abstract: Conventional agricultural production measures are one of the main causes of forest cover loss at present, so measures such as regenerative agriculture propose a solution to the demand for food and the loss of forest cover. This raises questions about how reliable metrics can be established and which bioindicators can provide answers to the different levels of succession in forest regeneration. Bats are a group with a high variability in their diets and other needs, which makes them excellent bioindicators at these stages. A one-year monitoring was carried out in the 6 orchards under the Regenerative Costa Rica project located in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Thirty-one species were recorded in the 6 orchards with a total of 347 individuals, and similarities between the different communities were sought using two different metrics (Jaccard and Morisita).


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How to Cite

Mora Escobar, F., & Vargas, V. (2024). Bats: Nocturnal Allies as Metrics and Actors in Regenerative Agriculture. REGENERATIO, 3(1), 23–40.